The natural way of life is becoming a much more accepted way of life!


Studies Show That Massage Works:

Mark Tarnopolsky, a neurometabolic researcher at McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada, and his team set aside the question of if massage worked and set about examining how it might work. Their study examined what was going on with the muscles at the cellular level.

The study examined 11 young men who were put through strenuous upright cycling sessions. Ten minutes after finishing they were given massages on one of their legs. Three tissue samples were taken from the volunteers quadriceps muscles in both legs; one before the workout, one after the massage and a final one three hours after. The researchers then compared the genetic profiles of the samples.

What they didn't find was any evidence of differences in lactic acid or waste products between the massaged and non-massaged leg muscles. Instead, they discovered the cells from the legs treated with massages contained 30% more of a specific gene that help build mitochondria -- the "power generators" of the cells where glucose and oxygen react to create energy. In addition, the non-massaged legs had three times the amount of a gene associated with muscle inflammation...See more


Meditation linked to happiness and positive behavior:

A study at the University of Wisconsin confirms meditation can alter the structure of the brain, fostering a brighter outlook and increased empathy. Since positive thinking and emotions affect health, meditation can contribute to overall wellness.

Richard Davidson, a trained psychologist who has practiced meditation for decades, believes meditation can strengthen brain circuits connected with happiness and positive attitude in a similar way we strengthen muscles with exercise. Davidson and his colleagues have produced scientific evidence that this form of mental exercise permanently changes the brain for the better...See More


Oil Pulling or Swishing

Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic remedy for oral health and detoxification. It involves the use of pure oils as agents for pulling harmful bacteria, fungus, and other organisms out of the mouth, teeth, gums and even throat. It helps with Migraine headache relief , Correcting hormone imbalances, Reducing inflammation of arthritis, May help with gastro-enteritis, Aids in the reduction of eczema , May reduce symptoms of bronchitis, Helps support normal kidney function, May help reduce sinus congestion, Some people report improved vision, Helps reduce insomnia, Reduced hangover after alcohol consumption, Aids in reducing pain, Reduces the symptoms of allergies and Helps detoxify the body of harmful metals and organisms.

One of the most striking results of this process is the fastening of loose teeth, the elimination of bleeding gums and the visible whitening of the teeth.

First, the oils mix with the saliva, turning it into a thin, white liquid. Lipids in the oils begin to pull out toxins from the saliva. As the oil is swished around the mouth, teeth, gums and tongue, the oil continues to absorb toxins, and usually ends up turning thick and viscous and white. Once the oil has reached this consistency, it is spit out before the toxins are reabsorbed. To accelerate the healing process, it can be repeated up to three times a day.

Step By Step:

Oil pulling /swishing is done best before breakfast. Always before meals or drinks on an empty stomach.

  • In the morning after brushing your teeth, rinsing, gargling…etc and before drinking or eating breakfast you take 1-2 tablespoons in the mouth but never swallow it!
  • Move the oil slowly in the mouth as rinsing or swishing- don't gargle
  • Suck and pull through the teeth for 10-15 minutes. (This process makes oil thoroughly mixed with saliva) Swishing activates the enzymes and the enzymes draw toxins out of the blood.
  • The oil must not ever be swallowed, for it has become toxic.
  • As the process continues, the oil gets thinner and white.
  • It is then spit out. Thoroughly rinse out your mouth and use your finger to rub excess off teeth

    After: Clean the sink with some antibacterial soap.

**The spit contains harmful bacteria and toxic bodily waste. (One drop of this liquid magnified 600 times under a microscope would show microbes in their first stage of development)


Coconut Oil – A Tasty Fat Burner

Are Fats Really Unhealthy?

Fats are wrongly considered unhealthy. Not all of them are harmful. The market is overflowing with low fat diets and fat free products but they are certainly not saving humanity. Modern society would not be suffering from obesity and be in such chaos and despair if the low fat propaganda was so true.

A healthy lifestyle food plan is a diet rich in natural produce. So it will inevitably be high in good fats. Fats are found everywhere in Nature’s domain. They include animal fats such as lard and tallow, fish oil from fish, fruits and vegetables including coconut, olives and avocado, numerous nuts, seeds & legumes and most important of all – the ultimate in nutrition, Milk! All of these have fats in them!

Fats are extremely important because vitamins A, D, E and K are fat soluble. Cutting out fat in your diet deprives you of these essential vitamins.

There are good fats and bad fats. Good fats, for example, are omega-3 essential fatty acids, whilst the bad fats are long chain fats like lard and butter.

Coconut oil is considered bad because it contains saturated fat – but it is important to know that not all saturated fats are equal. There is a huge difference between coconut oil and other saturated fats. Coconut oil is a medium chain fatty acid (MCFA), whereas other saturated fats such as butter and lard are long chain fatty acids (LCFA). MCFAs are easily used up by our bodies and are not stored in adipose (fat) tissue, unlike long chain fatty acids.

Coconut oil is a medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) while most other fats, such as vegetable oils and animal fat, are long-chain triglycerides (LCTs). The length of the molecule determines how the fat is metabolized. LCTs are deposited in fat cells while MCTs are easily taken up by our cells and are rapidly broken down. The body burns them just like carbohydrates for energy.

This confirms that it’s not the type of fat that matters, rather it is the size of the molecular chain. Rule of thumb: Long is bad and Medium is good.

Epidemiological studies coming from African and South Pacific populations, whose diets contain coconuts as staple food, have revealed no association between coconut oil intake and obesity or high cholesterol.

Coconut Oil – An Organic Phenomenon

Coconut Oil is that organic phenomenon which enriches life and increases longevity through its undeniable & miraculous qualities.

Wouldn’t it be nice to eat til you’re full and satisfied, properly enjoy your meals without concern about diet – and not gain weight? Well, you can! Use coconut oil during your weight loss regime and be free from worries. Coconut oil and weight loss go hand in hand. Eat Well without Gaining Weight: Everyone’s dream! Adding coconut oil to your diet is simple and delicious.

It helps regulate metabolism and thyroid function, as well as improve your immune system and general overall health. Scientific research proves that there is a direct relationship between consuming coconut oil and losing weight.

Consume the best form of coconut oil – the Virgin Coconut Oil and take advantage of its many benefits. Losing weight is easier than you think.

Why Lose Weight?

The biggest challenge of modern times is maintaining optimal weight. Obesity has become the plague of our times. It is a monster which is spreading across our world, multiplying as we speak, injecting us with serious health implications which are threatening our quality of life. Obesity can lead to depression, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke.

Why Coconut Oil For Weight Loss

  1. Coconut oil contains fewer calories than other oils. It is not stored as body fat like other fats but instead is easily converted by the body into energy, thus avoiding weight gain.
  2. The extra energy makes you burn more calories aiding weight loss.
  3. Coconut oil is easily digested.
  4. Coconut oil increases metabolism by improving thyroid function and removing stress on the pancreas, thus burning more energy which leads to weight loss.
  5. Tropical populations whose diet contains coconut oil are usually slim not overweight. This provides us with a practical example that coconut oil is not fattening.

Mode of Action of Coconut Oil

  1. Coconut oil, taken half an hour prior to meals, acts as an excellent appetite suppressant. It decreases your appetite during and after meals by activating the satiety center in your brain and reducing your hunger, which makes you feel full so you are satisfied earlier and eat a lot less. Studies show that people using coconut oil are satisfied (feel full) much sooner and eat less. This effect is long lasting, so that after meals people don’t feel too hungry and so do not eat more. This reduces calorie intake and contributes to weight loss.
  2. Coconut oil increases energy expenditure of your body by increasing metabolism, which makes your body burn more calories – even while resting. This gives you more energy which keeps you more active and better able to function – it also makes workouts a lot easier.
  1. Coconut oil is thermogenic in nature. It makes your body burn more calories to generate heat. This keeps you warm and active. This thermogenic property is one of the most beneficial properties in losing weight and many commercially available weight loss supplements work through this mechanism.
  2. Coconut Oil is good for your thyroid function. It maintains the health of the thyroid gland, which ensures production of adequate amounts of thyroxine. Thyroxine is the accelerator of the body, just like the accelerator of a car. More thyroxine in your body means that your body will burn more calories, just like stepping on the accelerator of a car burns more fuel. Kids have more thyroxine which explains why they have so much energy and are so active throughout he day!
  3. People with low thyroid function have low metabolism. Their ability to lose weight is decreased because they have very low thermogenesis. Coconut Oil improves thyroid function which aids weight loss.
  4. The MCFAs present in coconut oil promote fat oxidation. They make your body burn fat for energy so that the stored fat gets used up and the fat content of your body gets reduced.
  5. One of the best things about coconut oil is that in spite of being a fat, it is not converted to carbohydrates, neither does it get stored as fats. Rather the MCFAs present in it have the ability to enter body cells and be directly utilized by the mitochondria (power house of cells) for energy. This means that you are eating a fat which gives you more energy and makes your body use up the already stored fat! Isn’t that great?!
  6. The last and most important thing is that all these coconut properties are not old wives’ tales – they have been proven and verified by clinical research studies!

Research Studies Verify The Weight Loss Properties Of Coconut Oil

  1. Dietetic supplementation with coconut oil does not cause dyslipidemia and seems to promote a reduction in abdominal obesity. (
  2. MCT (MCFA) increase energy expenditure, may result in faster satiety and facilitate weight control when included in the diet (
  3. MCFA hold potential as weight loss agents. (
  4. Consumption of a diet rich in Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT) results in greater loss of adipose tissue compared with Long Chain Triglycerides (LCT), perhaps due to increased energy expenditure and fat oxidation observed with MCT intake. Thus, MCTs may be considered as agents that aid in the prevention of obesity and potentially stimulate weight loss. (
  5. Consumption of MCT enhances Energy Expenditure and fat oxidation in obese women, when compared to LCT consumption. Substitution of MCT for LCT prevents long-term weight gain via increased EE. (
  6. Oxidization of dietary fat results in diminished fat storage, loss of Body Weight and reduction in subcutaneous adipose tissue. Furthermore, MCT consumption stimulates Energy Expenditure and fat oxidation. (

Why We Should Eat Dirt:

Bentonite clay is one of the most versatile and inexpensive natural treatments available. It provides a world of health benefits and is heralded for its safe and effective cleansing properties. It is composed of aged volcanic ash found in different parts of the world and has been used in treating medical conditions since earliest recorded history.

Some of the many health benefits of bentonite clay are:

Cleansing the liver, colon and skin
Balancing bacteria in the digestive tract
Improving nutrient assimilation
Strengthening the immune system

In addition, bentonite clay can also eliminate food allergies, food poisoning, colitis, viral infections, and parasites. It is an effective treatment for arthritis, cataracts, diabetic neuropathy, pain, wounds, diarrhea, stomach ulcers, animal and insect bites, acne, anemia and alcoholism; it is effective in treating all digestive conditions and aids in weight loss. Bentonite clay also re-mineralizes cells and tissues, alkalizes the body and is very effective in protecting our bodies against radiation.

Bentonite clay contains montmorillonite, the primary mineral thought to be responsible for its beneficial qualities. It also contains magnesium and approximately 67 other trace minerals. The properties of particles in bentonite clay and how they are distributed contribute greatly to the curative properties of bentonite clay. These particles contain a negative charge that attract all types of toxins and pathogens, which include bacteria, toxins, metals, and pesticides, all of which have a positive charge.

It is best to take bentonite clay on an empty stomach (at least one hour before a meal or before taking supplements and herbs) to keep it from interfering with the absorption of nutrients and beneficial items. Many health care practitioners recommend taking bentonite clay with psyllium husks, as well as drinking plenty of water, and keeping the body hydrated in order to help prevent constipation. The reason bentonite clay may lead to constipation is because of its ability to absorb many times its weight in pathogens and toxins. Degenerative conditions in the digestive tract can also lead to constipation.

Acclimation process which may take up to four weeks:
Drink one 8 ounce glass for three days and after the third day, refrain from using it for four days. On the fifth day, resume taking it for four days, discontinuing use the following three days. This alternating schedule can be continued until you are drinking it everyday...if you choose.
Drink at least 10 glasses of water or more to insure hydration and proper removal of waste and toxins.

  • Bentonite and other healing clays are not to be taken internally concurrently with life-sustaining prescribed medications without very careful medical supervision.
  • Bentonite and other healing clays used internally in conjunction with medications or herbal programs may lessen the effects of medications without careful administration.
  • Bentonite and other healing clays should not be used internally with those who currently have high blood pressure, without proper supervision and other supportive treatment. Use can cause a very temporary small spike in blood pressure
  • Bentonite and other healing clays should not be used by those with a clinically diagnosed iron intolerance ( a rare condition ) without seeing a laboratory analysis of the clay used or blood sample monitoring.


Bentonite clay can be used as external packs for such conditions as bone and muscle damage, carpal tunnel syndrome, headaches, skin conditions (including eczema and psoriasis), infected wounds, eye strain and tumors, and one to twelve cups of bentonite clay poured in a hot bath will rejuvenate the skin.


Go Poop!!

Although constipation may not seem like a very serious thing, it honestly can be. The physical ailments that constipation can lead to are no laughing matter. Constipation is a condition in which a person finds himself or herself unable to have a bowel movement. This may last for a few days, or it may become serious enough to take medications or see a doctor. What most people don't know about is the harmful effects constipation can cause on their bodies.Constipation can cause a number of things that are very frustrating to deal with. Let's look at these before we see the more dangerous effects of constipation. This condition can lead to
Irritability - Feeling particularly angry or aggravated can be caused by constipation

Weight Gain - You can actually gain weight from constipation

Hemorrhoids - The 'strain' from not being able to have a bowel movement can cause these nasty little guys

Body Odor - The buildup of fecal matter and bacteria in your body can produce an odor coming from your skin

Acne - One cause of acne is caused by the buildup of toxins in the body

Headaches - Headaches can also be caused by constipation.

These aren't things that we would like to have, however, none of them are a very serious medical problem. However, constipation can cause some very serious medical troubles. When the fecal matter stays in our intestinal tracts for too long, dangerous things can happen. Bacteria in our feces may start to multiply in our intestinal tracts, and dangerous fungus can grow. This fungus can affect many things in our bodies, such as:

The ability to function properly



In fact, studies show that the decaying material that sits in our intestinal tract when we are constipated may be directly related to several chronic diseases, including: Cancer!

Heart Disease!

A best natural way to avoid becoming constipated is Drink Water

Also, eating the correct amounts of all kinds of fiber helps tremendously. The best fiber for constipation is insoluable fiber. It cannot be absorbed by our bodies, however, it helps us to get rid of waste. It reduces the amount of toxins that are left in our intestinal tract. Here is a list of the different fibers


Types of Fiber

Soluble or Insoluble Sources Health Benefits

Cellulose,some hemicellulose

Insoluble Naturally found in nuts, whole wheat, whole grains, bran, seeds, edible brown rice, skins of produce. "Nature's laxative": Reduces constipation,lowers risk of diverticulitis, can help with weight loss.
Inulin oligofructose Soluble Extracted from onions and byproducts of sugar production from beets or chicory root. Added to processed foods to increase fiber. May increase beneficial bacteria in the gut as prebiotic and enhance immune function.


Insoluble Found naturally in flax, rye, some vegetables. Benefits heart health and possibly immune function.
Mucilage, beta-glucans Soluble Naturally found in oats, oat bran, beans, peas, barley, flaxseed, berries, soybeans, bananas, oranges, apples, carrots. Helps lower bad LDL cholesterol,

reduces risk of coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
Pectin and gums Soluble (some pectins can be insoluble) Naturally found in fruits, berries, and seeds. Also extracted from citrus peel and other plants boost fiber in processed foods. Slows the passage of food through the intestinal GI tract, helps lower blood cholesterol.
Polydextrose polyols Soluble Added to processed foods as a bulking agent and sugar substitute. Made from dextrose, sorbitol, and citric acid. Adds bulk to stools, helps prevent constipation.
Psyllium Soluble Extracted from rushed seeds or husks of plantago ovata plant. Used in supplements, fiber drinks, and added to foods. Helps lower cholesterol and prevent constipation.
Resistant starch Soluble Starch in plant cell walls naturally found in unripened bananas, oatmeal, and legumes. Also extracted and added to processed foods to increase fiber. Helps weight management by increasing fullness.
Wheat dextrin Soluble Extracted from wheat starch, and widely used to add fiber in processed foods. Helps lower cholesterol (LDL and total cholesterol), reduces risk of coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes.